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Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

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Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

Jim S
Today I decided to put my Shield online only to find out the company has gone belly up.....I only fooled around with it in the beginning and realized Gateway mode was not feasible. I understand it was never developed, but is the device still worth using? Is it completely outdated and worthless or does it still have some life left in it? I am curious because I am willing to pay someone to update my firmware version 1 in order to get some of my investment to work for me. Or should I just abandon ship and chalk this up as an "oh well shit happens" and walk away? Please any input would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

Hi Jim

The Shield is a great bit of kit, the latest firmware is sp1.51, which are you  on RC1 or sp1.51

The Shield once updated to the latest firmware gets it's snort files and web filter files updated once a night and completely free.

How are you using the Shield ie router mode or bridge mode? and what operating system are you using to access the Shield, Window or Linux

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Re: Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

In reply to this post by Jim S
Hi, Jim welcome to the forum  yes it's worth using it, the Members have done  excellent job of keeping the Shield  updated  please make sure you updated to

Firmware Version v1.51   http://itus.accessinnov.com/Upgrade-to-1-51SP1-td10.html

I love to use the  Easy guide to updating your Shield from 1.51 SP1 to the latest Hotfixes etc. it will get you up to v8.3.1 were at 8.3.3 v I know Roadrunnere42 working on an upgrade version 8.3.5


I believe  user8446  and Roadrunnere42  are working on an easier way to update to the Shield
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Re: Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

Jim S
In reply to this post by Roadrunnere42
THANK YOU! I apologize as I lost this forum's link. I will have to check into the router settings as I have never put it online outside of testing it when I first got it then boxed it because I needed the gateway mode at that time. Thanks for your reply and I will have to look into this.
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Re: Is the Itus Shield still worth using?

Jim S
In reply to this post by breda
Thanks for the reply!!! I lost this site for a while and now I have awesome peeps like y'all replying to me and rekindling the spark of interest I really had for the gadget at one time.
Thanks again!