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Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

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Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

This post was updated on Jun 30, 2016; 3:01am.
I decided to switch to router mode and have been trying for days to apply the hotfixes. This hotfix doesn't work in router mode. When i install the hotfix and reboot, the shield stops at: "NET: Registered orotocol family 24" and the network interfaces don't initialise. I can see the shell but I can't get the network up and running. Ifconfig shows no ip addresses on any interface.

At that point I have to factory reset again.

I see this repeated error in logread:

illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
FAILED to start up

Also under /tmp I see a lot of nobody:nogroup file permissions. Running chown -R root:root doesn't work as afterwards I tried rebooting and the permissions changed back.

I tried rebooting dnsmasq:

/etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq start

Then i got this:
uci: Entry not found
sh: unknown operand
uci: Entry not found

After inspecting the config files it appears the hotfix is tailored for bridge mode? dhcp, network and dnsmasq files appear to be for a bridged interface. I will apply the hotfix and revert the files to what they should be.

For reference: changing the hotfix files to these for router mode fixes the issue:

# auto-generated config file from /etc/config/dhcp


config dnsmasq
        option domainneeded '1'
        option boguspriv '1'
        option localise_queries '1'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option rebind_localhost '1'
        option local '/lan/'
        option domain 'lan'
        option expandhosts '1'
        option authoritative '1'
        option readethers '1'
        option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
        option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
        option localservice '1'
        option logqueries '1'

config dhcp 'lan'
        option interface 'lan'
        option start '100'
        option limit '250'
        option leasetime '12h'
        option ra 'server'

config dhcp 'wan'
        option interface 'wan'
        option ignore '1'

config odhcpd 'odhcpd'
        option maindhcp '0'
        option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd'
        option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'

root@Shield:/etc/config# cat network
config interface 'loopback'
        option ifname 'lo'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''
        option auto '1'
        option enabled '1'

config globals 'globals'
        option ula_prefix 'fd47:1ab7:5b77::/48'

config interface 'wan'
        option ifname 'eth0'
        option proto 'dhcp'
        option auto '1'
        option enabled '1'

config interface 'lan'
        option ifname 'eth1 eth2'
        option force_link '1'
        option type 'bridge'
        option proto 'static'
        option netmask ''
        option ip6assign '60'
        option ipaddr ''
        option auto '1'
        option enabled '1'

config interface 'blockdomain'
        option ifname 'br-lan'
        option proto 'static'
        option ipaddr ''
        option netmask ''

After reverting these files I can get connectivity again.

However, after installing the 160309 and 160528 hotfixes, i get the error about line 13 again so I have to factory reset and try again.

Maybe there should be a script that checks what mode you are running and then patches correctly for that mode....something to think about for future hotfixes
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi harpss1ngh

that as good idea  about checking which mode the shield is running before installing hot fixes.

The line 13 error which i thought was fix in the latest hotfix  is caused be a line in /etc/config/dhcp which if you retype the problem goes away.

In the files you can see it just commented out the line and retyped (not copy and paste) the problem solved. Can you try this and get back to me if the problem persists.

config dnsmasq
        option domainneeded '1'
        option boguspriv '1'
        option localise_queries '1'
        option rebind_protection '1'
        option rebind_localhost '1'
        option local '/lan/'
        option domain 'lan'
        option expandhosts '1'
        option authoritative '1'
        option readethers '1'
# option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
option leasefile '/tmp/dhcp.leases'
        option resolvfile '/tmp/resolv.conf.auto'
        option localservice '1'
        option logqueries '1'

config dhcp 'lan'
        option interface 'lan'
        option ignore '1'

config dhcp 'wan'
        option interface 'wan'
        option ignore '1'

config odhcpd 'odhcpd'
        option maindhcp '0'
        option leasefile '/tmp/hosts/odhcpd'
        option leasetrigger '/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Is that the only thing I need to change? So for router mode I don't need to change the dnsmasq.conf or the network file, just the DHCP?
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

In reply to this post by Roadrunnere42
Hi roadrunnere42,

So I tried what you suggested and the error went away, however I still can't access the internet. I can ping from the shield itself but not from the LAN.

I don't see any errors in logread or the web interface either..

I did notice the WAN interface showing 00:00:00:00:00:00, for the mac address. Ifconfig eth0 however does show the correct one. The factory reset configuration also does this so I assume it can be ignored.
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Has no one using Router mode tried these patches before? Wonder why it is only me having these issues in Router mode.

Still can't figure out why I can't get this working
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

I think this is a snort issue.

I see the hotfix also includes a snort_bridge.conf and the init.d script updated in the hotfix has a modified line to include this config file. I am running router mode!! So the hotfix to snort must be preventing internet connectivity?

Why are the hotfixes only for bridge mode and not for router mode?

I am going to download the hotfixes and combine them and inspect the changes and fix it for router mode for myself.
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Hi harpss1ngh

Have you sorted the issue with the different version files?

octboot2.bin  and  u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin  are from different versions

I have two Shields my main one runs in router mode and i have had no trouble with this installing the hotfixes

The other Shield is in Bridge mode and sites between my sons computer, Xbox and my internal network, I use this to check what rubbish is being produce.

I was surprised at how much traffic passes through my standard home router before even getting stopped by my Shield in router mode.

Getting back to you question I am only interest in running in router mode and have therefore  tested in that mode and all is well. If you Shield is running different file versions then this could be your problem.

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi  Roadrunnere42,

Yes i have replaced the files with the ones you provided and factory resetting the shield.

Can you comment on my post above regarding snort_bridge.conf in the hotfix? Do i need to apply all hotfixes to get my shield to work?

Some of the files in this older hotfix look specific to bridge mode
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

I do believed at the first hot-fix was done by ITUS and was aimed at bridge mode.

Hans is the man to talk too about hot-fix 201, I would do a factory reset and miss out hot-fix 201 and see how it goes.

If after doing the factory reset check you have internet connectivity first before any update for fixes, It may be a silly question but do you have the Ethernet leads set up for router mode after change from bridge mode?

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Yes I do, After I factory reset everything works fine.

Also, after copying the two bootloaders you linked in the other thread, i still get these errors in the console:

[   38.874755] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   38.898850] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   38.922394] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   38.945745] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   38.969243] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   38.992595] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.016090] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.040073] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.063565] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.086967] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.110574] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.134078] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.157436] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.180731] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.204208] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.227711] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.251049] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.274286] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.298268] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.321552] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.345051] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.368380] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.391679] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.415380] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.439429] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.462726] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.486243] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.509612] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.533146] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.556435] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.580134] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.604139] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.627434] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.650961] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.674308] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.697847] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.721638] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.744944] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.768638] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.792647] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.815943] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.839471] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.862824] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.886529] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.910061] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.933855] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.957153] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   39.980855] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.004860] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.028161] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.051678] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.075036] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.098737] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.122274] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.146065] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.170231] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.193516] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.217218] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.241219] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.264520] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.288036] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.311399] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.335097] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.358638] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.382436] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.406410] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.430027] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.453324] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.477016] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.501025] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.524322] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.547850] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.571210] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.594899] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.618408] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.642192] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.666168] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.689776] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.713299] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.736592] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.760269] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.784250] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.807542] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.831425] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.854949] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.878311] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.902034] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.925548] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.949315] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.973285] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   40.996895] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.020424] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.043718] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.067420] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.091402] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.114678] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.138544] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.162533] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.186061] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.209421] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.233134] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.256646] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.280412] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.304379] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.327987] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.351514] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.374805] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.398504] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.422488] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.445907] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.469520] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.493391] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.517359] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.540882] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.564247] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.587930] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.611436] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.635220] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.659205] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.682814] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.706336] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.729628] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.753309] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.777290] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.800579] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.824198] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.848087] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.871965] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.895931] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.919434] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.942766] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.966421] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.989892] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.013619] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.037526] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.061066] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.084528] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.107751] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.131386] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.155321] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.178785] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.202357] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.226173] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.249978] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.273876] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.297339] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.320628] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.344357] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.367992] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.391459] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.415184] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.439085] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.462622] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.486077] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.509303] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.532935] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.556873] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.580100] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.603647] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.627457] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.651261] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.675156] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.698610] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.721903] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.745631] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.769267] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.792736] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.816463] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.840364] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.863901] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.887347] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.910801] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.934026] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.957660] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.981592] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.004818] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.028365] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.052171] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.075974] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.099869] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.123323] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.146617] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.170374] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.194020] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.217498] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.241222] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.265128] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.288665] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.312126] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.335663] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.359123] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.382343] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.405976] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.429910] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.453137] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.476682] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.500490] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.524293] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.548188] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.571649] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.594934] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.618662] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.642300] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.665766] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.689491] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.713392] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.736930] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.760390] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.783933] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.807553] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.831007] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.854227] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.877858] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.901789] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.925017] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.948564] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.972373] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   43.996182] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.020080] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.043535] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.066825] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.090552] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.114189] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.137657] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.161553] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.185470] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.209065] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.232539] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.256086] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.279712] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.303246] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.326701] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.349924] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.373556] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.397489] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.420723] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.444271] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.468078] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.491880] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.515777] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.539232] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.562518] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.586246] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.609882] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.633354] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.657081] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.680984] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.704523] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.727984] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.751522] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.775149] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.798682] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.822136] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.845341] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.869085] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.892719] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.916651] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.939876] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.963424] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   44.987230] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.011033] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.034929] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.058390] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.081677] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.105405] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.129041] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.152510] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.176262] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.200178] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.223750] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.247220] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.270769] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.294395] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.317928] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.341382] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.364582] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.388306] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.412134] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.435767] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.459702] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.482938] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.506485] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.530293] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.554095] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.577992] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.601447] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.624733] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.648462] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.672097] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.695572] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.719299] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.743201] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.766740] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.790201] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.813739] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.837361] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.860893] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.884347] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.907551] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.931272] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.955085] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   45.978739] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.002370] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.026304] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.049532] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.073078] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.096884] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.120692] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.144589] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.168211] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.191526] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.215292] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.238939] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.262409] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.286135] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.310037] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.333584] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.357046] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.380584] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.404208] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.427741] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.451195] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.474393] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.498113] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.521925] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.545584] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.569257] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.592802] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.616737] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.639967] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.663516] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.687323] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.711125] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.735022] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.758483] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.781769] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.805498] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.829136] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.852602] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.876326] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.900231] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.909429] mmc1: BKOPS_EN bit is not set
[   46.913828] mmc1: new high speed DDR MMC card at address 0001
[   46.957495] mmcblk0: mmc1:0001 P1XXXX 3.60 GiB
[   46.957556] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957623] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957672] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957721] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957766] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957819] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957874] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957929] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.957990] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958068] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958153] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958206] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958262] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958359] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958440] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958497] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958552] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958603] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958662] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958713] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958769] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958832] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958891] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.958954] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959013] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959076] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959122] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959178] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959224] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959270] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959312] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959366] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959419] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959474] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959533] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959610] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959694] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959746] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959799] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959859] sch_red: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.959954] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960030] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960082] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960134] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960183] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960240] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960289] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960341] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960402] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960457] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960518] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960575] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960636] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960682] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960736] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960783] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960827] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960868] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960918] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.960970] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961022] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961084] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961160] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961243] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961295] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961350] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961407] sch_red: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961480] sch_sfq: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961577] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961654] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961707] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961761] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961809] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961866] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961915] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.961968] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962028] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962084] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962146] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962204] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962265] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962311] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962365] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962411] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962454] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962495] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962546] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962597] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962649] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962708] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962783] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962869] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962920] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.962973] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963028] sch_red: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963090] sch_sfq: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963149] sch_tbf: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963243] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963318] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963370] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963423] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963472] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963529] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963578] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963631] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963692] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963749] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963811] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963868] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963930] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.963976] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964031] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964076] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964121] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964163] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964215] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964267] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964320] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964378] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964454] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964536] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964592] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964645] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964704] sch_red: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964765] sch_sfq: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964822] sch_tbf: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964882] sch_teql: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.964977] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966235] act_ipt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966295] act_mirred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966350] act_police: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966400] act_skbedit: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966457] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966509] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966563] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966624] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966681] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966743] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966801] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966864] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966911] compat_xtables: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966954] crc_ccitt: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.966995] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967051] em_meta: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967096] em_nbyte: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967140] em_text: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967182] em_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967232] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967290] sch_codel: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967344] sch_dsmark: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967408] sch_gred: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967485] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967567] sch_htb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967619] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967674] sch_prio: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967730] sch_red: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967793] sch_sfq: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967850] sch_tbf: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967907] sch_teql: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.967961] slhc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.968056] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.968120] xt_CT: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.968178] xt_geoip: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   46.968235] xt_socket: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

In reply to this post by Roadrunnere42
Hi Roadrunnere42,

I have skipped 160210 and gone straight to 160310-final and 160528 and just updated fw_upgrade to 8.3.2 and everything works fine.

I wonder if the above messages still means there is some issue with my bootloader even though I have updated to the SP1 versions you linked?
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi harpss1ngh

Glade to see that your back on line with the Shield.

Your bootloader errors that I have see is usually to do with version mismatch, can you post a screen dump or log which shows dates the files were compiled, here is how Hans displayed his

1) reboot shield
2) interrupt the boot process when Shield mentions "Hit any key to stop autoboot"
3) use commands like printenv mmcinfo

Bootloader stage 1:

Octeon sff7000# mmcinfo
MMC Device 0 not found
no mmc device at slot 0

Octeon sff7000# version

U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Mar 05 2015 - 12:15:47)
mips64-octeon-linux-gnu-gcc (Cavium Inc. Version: SDK_3_1_0 build 32) 4.7.0
GNU ld (Cavium Inc. Version: SDK_3_1_0 build 32) 2.23.52
Octeon sff7000# bdinfo
boot_params = 0x4FBF5E70
memstart    = 0x80000000
memsize     = 0x40000000
flashstart  = 0x00000000
flashsize   = 0x00000000
flashoffset = 0x00000000
ethaddr     = (not set)
ip_addr     = <NULL>
baudrate    = 115200 bps

Octeon sff7000# grepenv

ver=U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Mar 05 2015 - 12:15:47

what i'm after are these  lines

U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Mar 05 2015 - 12:15:47)
ver=U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Mar 05 2015 - 12:15:47

I will restart my Shield and see what dates I have as it's been a long time since doing anything the boot process so am a bit rusty.

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi Roadrunnere42,

This is what I get:

U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Mar 27 2015 - 10:49:38)
mips64-octeon-linux-gnu-gcc (Cavium Inc. Version: SDK_3_1_0 build 32) 4.7.0
GNU ld (Cavium Inc. Version: SDK_3_1_0 build 32) 2.23.52

ver=U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: May 21 2015 - 11:11:49)
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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi harpss1ngh

Sorry bit of a bum steer, what i need  is octboot2.bin date and uboot-octeon-rhino-itus7x.bin date.

The way I do it is plug console cable in, load up putty or what every program you use.
unplug shield then plug back
when it asks press any key to stop and then counts down from 3 seconds, i press any key and look for the date  should be March 27th 2015 10.49.35

then unplug shield, plug back in but this time when it asks to press any key to stop don't do anything, wait till the second boot load runs, again when it ask to press any key to stop, press any key, now look for file date should by May 04th 2015 15.37.16

if the dates are different then that's what causing the problems.

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image

Hi harpss1ngh

After checking both of my Shields there seems to be two version of uboot-octeon-rhino-itus7x.bin for sp1 one dated May 04 2015 and the other May 21st 2015, both machines don't show any errors whist loading. Loaded both shields in different modes and same files dates. Having problems logging  in to copy file dated the 4th may.

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Re: Router mode - hotfix 160210 breaks router image


I don't get any errors at bootup either. It's only when I perform a factory reset that initial run gives those errors I pasted, after the reboot into SP1 I no longer see them