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Factory reset not truly a full reset?

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Factory reset not truly a full reset?

152 posts
I've performed a manual factory reset on my sandbox:

mkdir /tmp/d
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/d
cd /tmp/d
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusrouterImage
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusgatewayImage
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusbridgeImage
reboot -f

this should reset everything. But when i check the root, i still see junk files (due to failed OPKG).
Did I miss something?
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

288 posts
Are these commands important?

if [[ `df | grep -c overlay` == "1" ]]; then
        umount /overlay
sleep 1
umount /overlay

They run first in the factory reset script and you didn't list them.
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

152 posts
user8446 wrote
Are these commands important?

if [[ `df | grep -c overlay` == "1" ]]; then
        umount /overlay
sleep 1
umount /overlay

They run first in the factory reset script and you didn't list them.
i dont think so. As i remember, overlay was part of the RC2 legacy.

Even if I follow the full script, i still have junk in the root.

umount -a
umount /overlay
mkdir -p /factory_reset
mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /factory_reset
cd /factory_reset
rm ItusrouterImage
rm ItusbridgeImage
rm ItusgatewayImage
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusrouterImage
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusgatewayImage
cp ItusrestoreImage ItusbridgeImage
cd /
umount /factory_reset
umount -a
reboot -f
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

288 posts
What about the hardware button reset? Same?
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

262 posts

Just an idea but could it be that the  junk files are actually in the restore images and what you are seeing is the files that were not removed before the original image  was taken.

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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

152 posts
If that is the case, then my Itusrestoreimage is actually the active image after reboot.

The files that I added are not original, see the openssl entries:

No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

152 posts
In reply to this post by Roadrunnere42
If that is the case, then my Itusrestoreimage is actually the active image after reboot.

The files that I added are not original, see the openssl entries:

No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

152 posts
root@Shield:/overlay# cp ItusrestoreImage_orig ItusbridgeImage
root@Shield:/overlay# cp ItusrestoreImage_orig ItusrouterImage
root@Shield:/overlay# cp ItusrestoreImage_orig ItusgatewayImage
root@Shield:/overlay# cp ItusrestoreImage_orig ItusrestoreImage
root@Shield:/overlay# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          8192 Nov 26 03:02 .
drwxrwxr-x   19 1000     1000             0 Jan  1  1970 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:01 ItusbridgeImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:02 ItusgatewayImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:02 ItusrestoreImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Jan 31  2016 ItusrestoreImage_orig
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:02 ItusrouterImage
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Mar  2  2016 backup
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        478784 Mar  5  2015 octboot2.bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May  5  2015 restore
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       1138352 Apr 29  2015 u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       1146256 Mar 10  2015 u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin_BAK
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May  4  2015 updates
root@Shield:/overlay# md5sum ItusrestoreImage_orig
df253dc31c8001337a537d59dcd5996d  ItusrestoreImage_orig

reboot of shield > long wait > Shield in version 1.0

Read ODT_CTL                                  : 0x3 (40 ohms)
Rank(0) Rlevel Rank   0x1, 0x0046186186145146 :     6     6     6     6     6     5     5     5     6 (15)
DDR2T                                         :      1
Performing software Write-Leveling
Rank Address: 0x0
Testing byte 0 delay  2
1: [0x8000000004000000] 0x00000000000000BF expected 0x00000000000000FF xor 0000000000000040
        byte 0 delay  2 Errors
Testing byte 0 delay 10
        byte 0(0x0) delay 10 Passed
Testing byte 1 delay  2
1: [0x8000000004000000] 0x000000000000BF00 expected 0x000000000000FF00 xor 0000000000004000
        byte 1 delay  2 Errors
Testing byte 1 delay 10
        byte 1(0x0) delay 10 Passed
Testing byte 2 delay  0
1: [0x8000000004000000] 0x0000000000BF0000 expected 0x0000000000FF0000 xor 0000000000400000
        byte 2 delay  0 Errors
Testing byte 2 delay  8
        byte 2(0x0) delay  8 Passed
Testing byte 3 delay  0
1: [0x8000000004000000] 0x00000000BF000000 expected 0x00000000FF000000 xor 0000000040000000
        byte 3 delay  0 Errors
Testing byte 3 delay  8
        byte 3(0x0) delay  8 Passed
Rank(0) Wlevel Rank   0x1, 0x0000200000A4214A :     0(e)  0(e)  0(e)  0(e) 10(e)  8     8    10    10
LMC0 Configuration Completed: 1024 MB
Measured DDR clock 666666477 Hz
Mem size in MBYTES: 1024
RHino: new Ram size 1024MiB (0x40000000)
Ram size 1024MiB (0x40000000)
Clearing memory from 0 to 1048576
Done clearing memory
board_init_f: Done calling 18 (0xc0077058)
Calling 19: 0xc002b4c0
board_init_f: Boot flag: 0x2
Empty memory test
board_init_f: Done calling 19 (0xc007705c)
Calling 20: 0xc0025a14
board_init_f: Boot flag: 0x2
board_init_f: Done calling 20 (0xc0077060)
Calling 21: 0xc0053aa8
board_init_f: Boot flag: 0x2
board_init_f: Done calling 21 (0xc0077064)
Calling 22: 0xc002eee8
board_init_f: Boot flag: 0x2
SFF7000 board revision major:1, minor:0, serial #:
OCTEON CN7020-AAP pass 1.2, Core clock: 1000 MHz, IO clock: 600 MHz, DDR clock: 667 MHz (1334 Mhz DDR)
board_init_f: Done calling 22 (0xc0077068)
board_init_f: Done calling init sequence
 flushing L2 cache...
  Invalidating icache
  Unlocking U-Boot from cache...

U-Boot link addr: 0xc0004000
Top of RAM usable for U-Boot at: 50000000
Using TLB mapping size of 0x400000 bytes for DRAM mapping.
Reserving 1920k for U-Boot at: 4f804000
Clearing 0x7fc000 bytes at addr 0x4f804000
u_boot_base_phys: 0x4f804000, len: 0x1e0000
Reserving 2056k for malloc() at: 4f9e4000
Stack top physical address: 0x4fc16000
Reserving 80 bytes for Board Info at: 0x4fc15fb0
Reserving 320 Bytes for Global Data at: 0x4fc15e70
Reserving 128k for boot params() at: 4fbf5e70
Stack Pointer at:   4fbf5e60, stack size: 0x00030000
Base DRAM address used by u-boot: 0x4f804000, size: 0x7fc000
Top of fixed address reserved memory: 0x0006c188
gd address: ffff9910, new_addr: 0x4fc15e70
Relocating bd from: ffff9a50 to 0x800000004fc15fb0, size: 0x50
Relocating gd from: ffff9910 to 0x800000004fc15e70, size: 0x140
relocating and jumping to code in DRAM at addr: 0x4f804000
Virtual stack top: 0xc03f5e60, virt new gd: 0xc0415e70
Now running in RAM - U-Boot at: ffffffffc0004000
Relocation offset: 0x0, monitor base: 0xc0004000
U-Boot memory end: c01d9b80
Setting heap memory to start at 0xc01e0000, size: 0x202000
Adding map entry for 0xc0004000, address: 0x4f804000, size: 0x400000, index: 0
About to flush L2 cache
ram size: 0x40000000 (1073741824), sizeof=8
Clearing DRAM.....Clearing base address: 0x100000, size: 0xff00000, ub_base: 0x4f804000, ub_size: 0x7fc000
Stack: 0xc03f5c60
Done clearing memory, ub_base: 0x4f804000
.Clearing base address: 0x20000000, size: 0x30000000, ub_base: 0x4f804000, ub_size: 0x7fc000
Stack: 0xc03f5c60
Done clearing memory, ub_base: 0x4f804000
Clearing DRAM ECC errors
Initializing phy mem list: ram_size: 0x40000000, low reserved size: 0x80000
Bootloader boot memory descriptor at 8006c108
Allocating named block for used memory.
Copying FDT from 0xc0054df0 to 0x80000, 3630 bytes
Increase FDT size to 0x20000
Performing board FDT fixups
size of bootmem desc: 56, location: 8006c108
Setting up simple executive support
Enabling all cores
Powering up cores on node 0
Relocating environment
Using default environment

Environment relocated
Allocating idle core named block
Linux reserved load size 0x10000000
Adjusted memory top is 0x40000000
Setting load address to 0x20000000, size 0x10000000
Reserving 0xf000000 bytes of memory at 0x100000 for the Linux kernel
bootmem descriptor address (looked up): 0x6c108
Setting up U-Boot prompt for board type 64.
prompt environment variable not set.
Setting prompt to Octeon sff7000#
Reading eeprom...
Performing OCTEON FDT fixups
Packing flat device tree
Setting numcores to 2
ethaddr not found in environment
Setting IP address...
Reserving first 1MB of memory
Initializing stdio...
Initializing jump table...
Initializing console...
Console initialized
Setting stdin, stdout and stderr to serial port
Setting load address...
Configuring misc...
MMC:   Octeon MMC/SD0: 1
Doing late board init...
Setting serial number to
Entering main loop.
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
reading u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin
early_board_init: Early board init .................
Importing environment from RAM address 0x1000
RAM environment is 33 bytes

U-Boot 2013.07 (Development build, svnversion: u-boot:exported, exec:) (Build time: Apr 28 2015 - 15:37:10)

Initializing DRAM
U-Boot is RAM resident
Using DRAM size from environment: 1024 MBytes
DDR clock is 667 MHz
RHino: new Ram size 1024MiB (0x40000000)
Ram size 1024MiB (0x40000000)
Preserving environment in RAM
Done clearing memory
Configuring DLM0 for QSGMII
DLM1: mini-PCIe slots selected
CUST_PRIVATE_RHINO_ITUS7X board revision major:0, minor:1, serial #: 744810041510-32401
OCTEON CN7020-AAP pass 1.2, Core clock: 1000 MHz, IO clock: 600 MHz, DDR clock: 667 MHz (1334 Mhz DDR)
Base DRAM address used by u-boot: 0x4f000000, size: 0x1000000
Clearing DRAM.....Clearing base address: 0x100000, size: 0xff00000, ub_base: 0x4f000000, ub_size: 0x1000000
Stack: 0xc0f71c60
Done clearing memory, ub_base: 0x4f000000
.Clearing base address: 0x20000000, size: 0x30000000, ub_base: 0x4f000000, ub_size: 0x1000000
Stack: 0xc0f71c60
Done clearing memory, ub_base: 0x4f000000
board_fixup_fdt: Found PCIe GPIO2 ..
MMC device not found, initializing
Octeon MMC/SD0: 1
*** Warning - bad CRC, using default environment

PCIe: Link timeout on port 0, probably the slot is empty
PCIe: Port 1 not in PCIe mode, skipping
PCIe: Port 2 not in PCIe mode, skipping
Net:   cvmx_helper_interface: interface 0
cvmx_helper_interface: interface 1
cvmx_helper_interface: interface 4
octeth0, octeth1, octeth2, octeth3
Type the command 'usb start' to scan for USB storage devices.

late_board_init ..
ITUS: SW1 2 Router  (CENTER)
Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0
mmc1(part 0) is current device
reading ItusrouterImage
40859016 bytes read in 3562 ms (10.9 MiB/s)
argv[2]: mem=0
argv[3]: numcores=2
argv[4]: serial#=744810041510-32401
Allocating memory for ELF segment: addr: 0xffffffff80100000 (adjusted to: 0x100000), size 0x27dad40
## Loading big-endian Linux kernel with entry point: 0xffffffff80664f10 ...
Bootloader: Done loading app on coremask: 0x3
Starting cores:
[    0.000000] Linux version 3.10.20 (daniel@Ayoub) (gcc version 4.7.0 (Cavium Inc. Version: SDK_3_1_0_p2 build 34) ) #67 SMP Wed Nov 25 19:02:28 PST 2015
[    0.000000] CVMSEG size: 2 cache lines (256 bytes)
[    0.000000] Cavium Inc. SDK-3.1
[    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
[    0.000000] CPU revision is: 000d9602 (Cavium Octeon III)
[    0.000000] FPU revision is: 00739600
[    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
[    0.000000]  memory: 000000000c400000 @ 0000000002900000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  memory: 0000000000c00000 @ 000000000f200000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  memory: 000000002f000000 @ 0000000020000000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  memory: 000000000079e000 @ 0000000000100000 (usable)
[    0.000000]  memory: 0000000001f62000 @ 000000000089e000 (usable after init)
[    0.000000] Wasting 14336 bytes for tracking 256 unused pages
[    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
[    0.000000] Using passed Device Tree <8000000000080000>.
[    0.000000] software IO TLB [mem 0x03713000-0x03753000] (0MB) mapped at [8000000003713000-8000000003752fff]
[    0.000000] Cavium Hotplug: Available coremask 0x0
[    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 78kB, virtually tagged, 39 way, 16 sets, linesize 128 bytes.
[    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 32-way, 8 sets, linesize 128 bytes.
[    0.000000] Secondary unified cache 512kB, 4-way, 1024 sets, linesize 128 bytes.
[    0.000000] PERCPU: Embedded 10 pages/cpu @800000000376c000 s12288 r8192 d20480 u40960
[    0.000000] Kernel command line:  bootoctlinux 0x20000000 numcores=2 serial#=744810041510-32401 console=ttyS0,115200
[    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
[    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
[    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
[    0.000000] Memory: 966660k/1022976k available (5625k kernel code, 56316k reserved, 2171k data, 32136k init, 0k highmem)
[    0.000000] Hierarchical RCU implementation.
[    0.000000]  RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=32 to nr_cpu_ids=2.
[    0.000000] NR_IRQS:512
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e000 23 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e200 12 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e400 6 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000ec00 15 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e600 4 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e800 11 bits
[    0.000000] CIB interrupt controller probed: 800107000000e900 11 bits
[   25.843107] Calibrating delay loop (skipped) preset value.. 2000.00 BogoMIPS (lpj=10000000)
[   25.851324] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 501
[   25.856041] Security Framework initialized
[   25.860054] Mount-cache hash table entries: 256
[   25.866718] SMP: Booting CPU01 (CoreId  1)...
[   25.870918] CPU revision is: 000d9602 (Cavium Octeon III)
[   25.870921] FPU revision is: 00739600
[   25.871093] Cpu 1 online
[   25.882508] Brought up 2 CPUs
[   25.885452] Cavium Hotplug: Available coremask 0x0
[   25.892168] NET: Registered protocol family 16
[   25.897435] Installing handlers for error tree at: ffffffff80835430
[   25.913175] PCIe: Initializing port 0
[   27.975723] PCIe: Initializing port 1
[   27.979221] PCIe: Initializing port 2
[   27.989233] [sched_delayed] sched: RT throttling activated
[   27.998738] bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
[   28.003133] vgaarb: loaded
[   28.006065] SCSI subsystem initialized
[   28.010308] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
[   28.015715] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
[   28.021036] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
[   28.026209] pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
[   28.031008] pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 - Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti <giometti@linux.it>
[   28.040221] PTP clock support registered
[   28.044112] EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0
[   28.047743] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
[   28.051692] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x1000000000000]
[   28.058020] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x0000]
[   28.063589] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff]
[   28.072353] Switching to clocksource OCTEON_CVMCOUNT
[   28.078554] NET: Registered protocol family 2
[   28.083130] TCP established hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[   28.090244] TCP bind hash table entries: 8192 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
[   28.096736] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 8192 bind 8192)
[   28.103028] TCP: reno registered
[   28.106187] UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[   28.112122] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
[   28.118672] NET: Registered protocol family 1
[   29.252551] octeon_pci_console: Console not created.
[   29.257367] /proc/octeon_perf: Octeon performance counter interface loaded
[   29.265305] HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages
[   29.272422] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
[   29.278318] NTFS driver 2.1.30 [Flags: R/W].
[   29.282460] jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
[   29.288643] msgmni has been set to 1888
[   29.292894] io scheduler noop registered
[   29.296649] io scheduler deadline registered
[   29.300955] io scheduler cfq registered (default)
[   29.305828] octeon_gpio 1070000000800.gpio-controller: OCTEON GPIO
[   29.352321] Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 6 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
[   29.359833] 1180000000800.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x1180000000800 (irq = 34) is a OCTEON
[   29.367628] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[   29.367628] console [ttyS0] enabled, bootconsole disabled
[   29.391066] 1180000000c00.serial: ttyS1 at MMIO 0x1180000000c00 (irq = 35) is a OCTEON
[   29.411896] brd: module loaded
[   29.429861] loop: module loaded
[   29.446336] slram: not enough parameters.
[   29.464379] libphy: mdio-octeon: probed
[   29.481554] mdio-octeon 1180000001800.mdio: Version 1.0
[   29.499036] spi_ks8995: Micrel KS8995 Ethernet switch SPI driver version 0.1.1
[   29.518918] e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver - 2.3.2-k
[   29.536884] e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 - 2013 Intel Corporation.
[   29.555152] octeon-pow-ethernet ERROR: You must specify a broadcast group mask.
[   29.574674] octeon-ethernet 2.0
[   29.601006] usbcore: registered new interface driver cdc_ether
[   29.619080] usbcore: registered new interface driver plusb
[   29.636807] usbcore: registered new interface driver sierra_net
[   29.655482] ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
[   29.674274] ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
[   29.690944] ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver
[   29.709827] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
[   29.728168] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial
[   29.746226] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic
[   29.764961] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic
[   29.783185] usbcore: registered new interface driver sierra
[   29.800967] usbserial: USB Serial support registered for Sierra USB modem
[   29.819971] i2c /dev entries driver
[   29.835984] i2c-octeon 1180000001000.i2c: version 2.5
[   29.856646] rtc-ds1307 0-0068: rtc core: registered ds1337 as rtc0
[   29.875288] octeon_wdt: Initial granularity 5 Sec
[   29.892392] EDAC DEVICE0: Giving out device to module 'octeon-cpu' controller 'cache': DEV 'octeon_pc_edac' (INTERRUPT)
[   29.915480] EDAC DEVICE1: Giving out device to module 'octeon-l2c' controller 'octeon_l2c_err': DEV 'octeon_l2c_edac' (POLLED)
[   29.939127] octeon_lmc_edac octeon_lmc_edac.0: Disabled (ECC not enabled)
[   31.717552] TCP: cubic registered
[   31.733002] Initializing XFRM netlink socket
[   31.749451] NET: Registered protocol family 10
[   31.767437] NET: Registered protocol family 17
[   31.784074] Key type dns_resolver registered
[   31.800544] L2 lock: TLB refill 256 bytes
[   31.816678] L2 lock: General exception 128 bytes
[   31.833414] L2 lock: low-level interrupt 128 bytes
[   31.850323] L2 lock: interrupt 640 bytes
[   31.866371] L2 lock: memcpy 1152 bytes
[   31.884402] rtc-ds1307 0-0068: hctosys: unable to read the hardware clock
[   31.903423] Warning: unable to open an initial console.
[   31.933174] Freeing unused kernel memory: 32136K (ffffffff8089e000 - ffffffff82800000)
[   34.013821] init: Console is alive
[   34.029471] init: - watchdog -
[   35.045142] init: - preinit -
Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode
Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level
[   38.118083] procd: - early -
[   38.133282] procd: - watchdog -
[   38.823994] procd: - ubus -
[   39.839519] procd: - init -
Please press Enter to activate this console.
[   41.588471] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.617977] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.641705] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.665212] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.688887] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.712393] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.736052] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.760154] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.783821] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.807378] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.831177] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.854831] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.878354] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.901799] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.925397] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.949058] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.972547] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   41.995942] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.020089] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.043520] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.067178] arc4: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.090659] ifb: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.114088] sch_hfsc: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.137913] sch_ingress: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.162057] tun: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   42.185486] af_alg: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '

[   49.785203] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785263] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785319] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785379] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785435] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785497] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785543] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '

BusyBox v1.23.2 (2015-08-19 20:18:50 PDT) built-in shell (ash)

|  ___ _____ _   _ ____    _   _      _                      _          |
| |_ _|_   _| | | / ___|  | \ | | ___| |___      _____  _ __| | _____   |
|  | |  | | | | | \___ \  |  \| |/ _ \ __\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / __|  |
|  | |  | | | |_| |___) | | |\  |  __/ |_ \ V  V / (_) | |  |   <\__ \  |
| |___| |_|  \___/|____/  |_| \_|\___|\__| \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\___/  |
|  ____  _   _ ___ _____ _     ____         ,-~~-.___.                  |
| / ___|| | | |_ _| ____| |   |  _ \       / |  '     \                 |
| \___ \| |_| || ||  _| | |   | | | |     (  )         0                |
|  ___) |  _  || || |___| |___| |_| |      \_/-, ,----'                 |
| |____/|_| |_|___|_____|_____|____/          ====           //         |
|                                  v1.0       /  \-'~;    /~~~(O)       |
|                                            /  __/~|   /       |       |
| Powered by OpenWrt                     -==(  _____| (_________|       |
root@Shield:/overlay# [  289.493813] eth0: Link down
[  289.509491] br-lan: port 1(eth1) entered disabled state
[  289.572673] eth2: Link down
[  289.587771] br-lan: port 2(eth2) entered disabled state
[  289.626373] device eth1 left promiscuous mode
[  289.642888] br-lan: port 1(eth1) entered disabled state
[  289.663728] device eth2 left promiscuous mode
[  289.680268] br-lan: port 2(eth2) entered disabled state
[  289.775349] reboot: Restarting system

wait, shield auto-reboots into version 1.51SP1

root@Shield:/tmp# mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /tmp/d
root@Shield:/tmp/d# ls -al
drwxr-xr-x    5 root     root          8192 Jan  1  1970 .
drwxrwxrwt   19 root     root           500 Nov 26 03:05 ..
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      33306248 Nov 26 03:04 ItusbridgeImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      56112776 Nov 26 03:02 ItusgatewayImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:02 ItusrestoreImage
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Jan 31  2016 ItusrestoreImage_orig
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      40859016 Nov 26 03:02 ItusrouterImage
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 Mar  2  2016 backup
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        478784 Mar  5  2015 octboot2.bin
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May  5  2015 restore
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       1138352 Apr 29  2015 u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       1146256 Mar 10  2015 u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin_BAK
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root          4096 May  4  2015 updates
root@Shield:/tmp/d# md5sum ItusrestoreImage
df253dc31c8001337a537d59dcd5996d  ItusrestoreImage

Note that the brigeImage size has reduced and the gatewayImage has increased ??
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

262 posts

I have seen this before

[   49.785203] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785263] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785319] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785379] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785435] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785497] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785543] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '

This is when the octboot2.bin  and  u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin  are from different versions ie rc1 and sp1 and as you said auto-reboots after a while, not sure if this is a crash or designed to reboot ,to then load the backup copy of either octboot2.bin or u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin

Did notice that you u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin is dated April and my one is dated May, also your two copies of u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin are different sizes and dates.

Also do not have a sd card just resting in the slot as I have found that the shield sometime see's the card on boot and load the read only version from memory, this took me some time to figure out as the sd card was not fully in the slot (no click)

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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

61 posts
Roadrunnere42 wrote

I have seen this before

[   49.785203] cls_basic: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785263] cls_flow: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785319] cls_fw: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785379] cls_route: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785435] cls_tcindex: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785497] cls_u32: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '
[   49.785543] em_cmp: version magic '3.10.20-rt14 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT ' should be '3.10.20 SMP mod_unload OCTEON 64BIT '

This is when the octboot2.bin  and  u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin  are from different versions ie rc1 and sp1 and as you said auto-reboots after a while, not sure if this is a crash or designed to reboot ,to then load the backup copy of either octboot2.bin or u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin

Did notice that you u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin is dated April and my one is dated May, also your two copies of u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin are different sizes and dates.

Also do not have a sd card just resting in the slot as I have found that the shield sometime see's the card on boot and load the read only version from memory, this took me some time to figure out as the sd card was not fully in the slot (no click)

Hi @roadrunnere42, i get these errors too. Is there a newer version of the bootloaders I can grab from somewhere?
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

262 posts
Hi Harpps1ngh

I take it that the shield does not start? Did you do any updates before this error happened or have you just been playing with the shield and accidentally broke it?

What version are you using rc1 or sp1? and what are the dates on them

As to your question i don't believe there is a new version , on my testing sometime ago i found that if the two files above get over written with either rc1 or sp1  version then problems can result, also on the shield is a hard code version  of either one or both of the above mentioned files and these may have accidentally over written the normally version.


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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

61 posts
Hi @Roadrunnere42,

When I wrote the tutorial on restoring a bricked shield and all it's updates it was because the stage 2 and stage 3 bootloaders (the two you mentioned) had been erased when I did a factory reset which bricked my shield. So I had used a copy of the bootloaders someone had uploaded to this forum to replace mine to fix it. I'm not sure what version they are
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

262 posts
what shield version were you running rc1 or sp1?

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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

61 posts
I was running SP1
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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

262 posts
heres the two files from sp1 release



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Re: Factory reset not truly a full reset?

61 posts

So like i said in another thread, the shield works fine even with those errors. I copied the files you provided for sp1 to the /overlay directory while mounted to the correct hidden mmc partition and performed a factory reset.

During the reset process I can still see the above errors in the console.