Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade)
Posted by
breda on
May 22, 2016; 11:32pm
Ok when use this part of the gulde I don't see any file to change version everything else works
cd /tmp
vi .version
Then change the 8.2 to 8.3
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "harpss1ngh [via Itus Networks Owners Forum]" <
[hidden email]>
Date: 05/22/2016 4:20 PM (GMT-08:00)
To: breda <
[hidden email]>
Subject: Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade)
1) I ran through this entire guide from scratch on my own shield so I know that it works flawlessly, I just switched to bridge mode so followed the guide and performed the hotfixes and fw_upgrade script exactly as written in this guide and I literally just copied and pasted all the lines to my shield and had absolutely no issue, so the issue you are experiencing has nothing to do with the guide. Your issue is not related to my guide.
2) There is no way I'm going to read all that long output in your last thread. I'm just a linux admin who has a shield, I'm not an expert nor ever worked for Itus. I'm just another user on this forum posting what worked for me. I don't provide any warranty for anything I contribute.
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