From: Gnomad [via Itus Networks Owners Forum]
Sent: Sunday 22 May 13:51
Subject: Re: Fw_upgrade version 8.3 release
To: Harpinder Sanghera
Thanks Roadrunnere42,
update worked, although I noticed that admin_status/index.htm was logging:
daemon.err uhttpd[4517]: cat: can't open '.version': No such file or directoryI think .version was incorrectly included on the "Shield Update Last Run" line:
luci.sys.exec("cat /.do_date .version | cut -c5-10")So I've just added a tweak into GitHub<> that avoids the need for a separate .version file to be manually updated. Now, fw_upgrade parses the header comments to look for the version number, and pushes that straight into the .do_date file. There are also corresponding admin_status changes to match. Nothing urgent, but a change that'd be useful to push out with the next 8.4 version published.
Shield in Router mode 1.51 SP1 + Hotfix Mar 9
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