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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade)

Posted by harpss1ngh on May 21, 2016; 12:34pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p953.html

Try my guide which fixes bricked shields.

Just delete everything off the mmc by mounting the mmc as /overlay as my guide says. Then scp to it. Go to the overlay folder and delete everything.

While you're there. Download the 2 bootloaders from my guide and scp them to the /overlay directory and also follow the rest of my guide and run the update to 1.51 which should pull down and add all the images and restore image too.

Then power off and power on while holding down the factory reset pin for 30secs. Then try the hotfixes and fw_upgrade

Or just delete everthing in /overlay and reboot:
Then tftp the bootloaders as per my guide then tftp the itusrouterimage and boot it up then get it to install the images from scratch. Then you'd at least have the same bootloader and images identical to mine and if it still causes issues it could then be a hardware issue.

Try it as a last resort before you get rid of it completely. It would be a complete hard reset. Could be you have a corrupted file. Doing it this way would blitz any files causing it.

Try it

CWS wrote
My shield will not accept hotfix 160210, seems to load, watching it load with console cable, but when finished and reboot, cannot access the shield. Internet works but cannot access the gui or with WINscp. Hot fix 160309 works if I load it first after factory reset. But then if I try fw_upgrade 7 or higher it goes into a loop and never stops until power recycle. Guess I must have corrupted something with all the factory resets.
Shield was nice while it lasted, will now retire it.

Running in router mode, bridge mode never worked on my shield.

Thanks for all the good help and support guys.