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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade)

Posted by harpss1ngh on May 19, 2016; 7:45pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p943.html

breda wrote
Hi, harpss1ngh I did look and it looks like it was missing .version  file that  Roadrunnere42 posted at  http://itus.accessinnov.com/Fw-upgrade-version-8-3-release-td896.html

Hi breda

for some reason the file .version did not upload or i forgot to upload, copy this file


See my reply above for the reson why you don't really need the file, it's for developer version control, to keep track of changes. Nothing else.

But if you really want it anyway....
Grab .version from 8.2 and edit it and change 8.2 to 8.3. Then download the 8.3 files again and run update_fw_upgrade_8.3_files.sh if you really want it to display 8.3 under fw_version on the main page on your shield.

Do this:
Download the other 8.3 files and follow the procedure in the main guide, but don't sh the upgrade script, then:

cd /tmp
Wget http://itus.accessinnov.com/file/n814/.version
vi .version

Then change the 8.2 to 8.3

Then run:

Sh update_fw_upgrade_8.3_files.sh