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Welcome all Itus Shield owners!

Posted by user8446 on Feb 09, 2016; 8:46pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Welcome-all-Itus-Shield-owners-tp5.html

Welcome to all Itus Shield owners! Sadly, Itus Networks is now closed but we still have a great piece of hardware and thankfully it uses open source software on it so we should be able to continue on via updates directly from the respective providers:

Operating system: https://openwrt.org/

IPS: https://www.snort.org/

IPS Rules currently used: https://rules.emergingthreats.net/open/snort-edge/rules/

The Shield is based on the low power Cavium Octeon III CN7020 dual-core 1Ghz SOC processor: http://www.cavium.com/OCTEON-III_CN70XX_71XX.html

The box has 1GB of DDR3 RAM and 4 GB of eMMC flash memory. Manufacturer: http://www.rhinolabsinc.com/

More info, specs, and articles:




On Jan 21, 2016 Itus pushed out an update to the firmware update script which disconnects Itus Networks from the Shield appliance. The new script pulls IPS rules updates directly from the emerging threats open ruleset as linked above. That was generous them to do that although we did not receive any type of official statement. The current firmware (1.51 sp1) has a throughput between 100-125Mbps and the box only uses 7-15 watts of power. The acceleration engines aren't even being utilized which was due for a future firmware update to double that throughput.
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release