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Re: Upgrade to 1.51SP1

Posted by hans2 on Mar 05, 2016; 6:29pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Upgrade-to-1-51SP1-tp10p299.html

Gnomad wrote
Just registered - thank you very much for this Hans!

Noticed that the curl command downloads the accessinnov captcha page rather than the upgrade script, so I had to manually use vi to create it.  You may want to place this in a route that isn't protected by the captcha.
Welcome to the club!

I've tried the CURL command just now and I got the required file just fine. Not sure what is going on - maybe the frequency of downloads triggers the captcha? The alternative is to use WINSCP or VI in putty as you mentioned.

No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1