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Re: Upgrade to 1.51SP1

Posted by Gryphon33W on Mar 02, 2016; 4:44pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Upgrade-to-1-51SP1-tp10p251.html

Hans wrote

i've updated the upgrade script to use a dropbox as file storage.


Upgrade script: Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.txt
Restore image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xes9mhm6ylkmdkz/ItusrestoreImage?dl=1
MD5SUM        : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gittxfbuscg838m/md5sum.txt?dl=1

This is the contents of the md5sum.txt file
ItusrestoreImage df253dc31c8001337a537d59dcd5996d 
Hans, Thank you so much for pulling this together!

However, I am concerned as I pulled down the ItusrestoreImage from dropbox and scanned with my ESAT NOD32 Antivirus it reports "C:\\ITUS Shield\Shield_FW_1.51\router.tar.gz » GZIP » router.tar » TAR » ./usr/lib/ettercap/ec_dos_attack.so - a variant of Linux/Flooder.Agent.AK trojan"

My thought was this was a false positive initially, but since downloading it ESAT has been reporting more folders unable to be scanned.
