Re: Welcome all Itus Shield owners!
Posted by
rah on
Feb 23, 2016; 7:15pm
user8446 wrote
Did you try clearing the IPS logs to see if your throughput increases? There is a known bug where throughput slows as the IPS logs grow. A workaround to clear the logs:
For the command line in the GUI:
cp /dev/null /tmp/snort/ (for bridge)
cp /dev/null /tmp/snort/alert (for router)
cp /dev/null/tmp/snort/alert2 (for router)
If you want to set it up as a cronjob use:
19 3 * * 0 > /tmp/snort/ (for bridge)
19 3 * * 0 > /tmp/snort/alert (for router)
10 3 * * 0 > /tmp/snort/alert2 (for router)
I have mine clear weekly at 3:19am as above right before my update script runs. Adjust for your own preference or needs.
(Thanks roadrunnere42 for the correction)
Hi :) Thank you for taking the time to start the forum :)
I found that a space is needed here otherwise the command ends in an error.
cp /dev/null /tmp/snort/ (for bridge)
cp /dev/null /tmp/snort/alert (for router)
cp /dev/null/tmp/snort/alert2 (for router) <--------------missing space after null
Thanks again