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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and updated to 1.51SP1 w/Feb & March 2016 hotfixes & fw_upgrade 8.3.1)

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Oct 23, 2017; 2:13pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p1492.html

When you say it goes in a loop, do you mean restart?

If the Shield restarts its because your using the wrong version on one of the files you have downloaded, as it's been sometimes since needing to go into the inner working for the Shield i've forgotten which files, but i did reply to someone on this forum how to get over this and included the files needed.
