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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and updated to 1.51SP1 w/Feb & March 2016 hotfixes & fw_upgrade 8.3.1)

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Jan 29, 2017; 2:22pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p1356.html

Hi rah

The ItusrestoreImage is what creates the other image files if i remember right but you might have to look through old posting. if you have ItusrestoreImage

you should do the following

ON the Shield

mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /factory_reset

cd /factory_reset

rm ItusrouterImage

rm ItusbridgeImage

rm ItusgatewayImage

cp ItusrestoreImage ItusrouterImage

cp ItusrestoreImage ItusgatewayImage

cp ItusrestoreImage ItusbridgeImage
cd /

umount /factory_reset

now if you restart the shield  it will make a new image for each of the modes, this  can take up to 10 minute do NOT NOT switch off, so got have a tea.

Hope this helps
