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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and updated to 1.51SP1 w/Feb & March 2016 hotfixes & fw_upgrade 8.3.1)

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Jan 29, 2017; 10:40am
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p1354.html

Hi seanmcne

Do you live in the uk? if you do, you could post the Shield to me and I will try to fix ( have to trust me to post back but you can see that I have been on the forum since day one and have done most of the fw_upgrade work)
I you could install team viewer on your computer and I could log in and try to sort out, but this can take some time and will involve installing several different programs which some people don't want to be done  also letting a complete stranger into their computer system.

posting is the best option if you want to talk about it privately just PM me and I will give you my phone number.
