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Re: Internet speed slower in bridge mode

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Nov 16, 2016; 7:10am
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Internet-speed-slower-in-bridge-mode-tp1123p1292.html

Thats great your back up and running,and with105 Mbps in  bridge mode .

Try just adding one rule in fw_upgrade, rerun script then run speed.net to see your speed and while doing this looking a cpu utilization widow to see how much cpu is being used whist downloading. If it's a horse power issue with the shield  then the more rules being used the more cpu usage should go up in the cpu utilization window

Does any one know why in router mode there are 2 snort config files snort 7 and snort 8, and only one in bridge? .My theory could router mode be using both cpu core whist checking rules whist bridge mode only using one core. I can't test this theory as i only have max 50mb isp.
