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Re: Internet speed slower in bridge mode

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Aug 31, 2016; 9:34pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Internet-speed-slower-in-bridge-mode-tp1123p1165.html


I'm not sure but it never hurts to reboot, I personal don't get too hooked up on the  speeds as a lot of the isp server are optimized to give max download speeds when speed test are run, remember you only get what the server your downloading or streaming  from can give.
I test by downloading a operating  OS of say about 1gb usually a linux one, i time from when i started the download till its completed, then do the same but without the Shield.

Now compare the time and i bet these not a great difference

I'm on Virgin media and they just keep upgrading my speeds free of charge first from 2mb then 20mb now 50mb and in reel terms  I have not notice any difference in speed.

just my thoughts.
