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Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and updated to 1.51SP1 w/Feb & March 2016 hotfixes & fw_upgrade 8.3.1)

Posted by Roadrunnere42 on Aug 22, 2016; 2:55pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Guide-How-to-fix-resurrect-a-bricked-Shield-and-updated-to-1-51SP1-w-Feb-March-2016-hotfixes-fw-upgr-tp931p1156.html

Hi Seanmcne

Just be accident i found that if i had a sd card which i think was formatted to fat32 and the Shield was rebooted it would boot into a previous firmware version rc or rc1, the sd card did NOT have  any boot loader just some old software not related to the shield. The only prevision is that the shield must be able to see that the card has a partition.

I have just noticed that you are tell the shield to load at location 0x00400000 when i think it should be 0x400000

Do you live in the uk?

I could have a look via teamviewer
