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Re: Internet speed slower in bridge mode

Posted by breda on Aug 20, 2016; 7:23pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Internet-speed-slower-in-bridge-mode-tp1123p1150.html

Hi, user8446 I'm Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you I  updated the size

but only getting


also on  would also disable unused preprocessors. Hans wrote a script to run which makes it really easy I see few files can you tell me the one should use and would I WinSCP them and run them via SSH?

prune_log_max 2097152

max_queued_bytes 3137628

Sat Aug 20 12:17:25 2016 daemon.notice snort[12543]: S5: Session exceeded configured max bytes to queue 3137628 using 3138244 bytes (server queue). 62630 --> 8080 (0) : LWstate 0xf LWFlags 0x6007