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Upgrade to 1.51SP1

Posted by hans2 on Feb 18, 2016; 9:00pm
URL: https://itus.accessinnov.com/Upgrade-to-1-51SP1-tp10.html


i've updated the upgrade script to use a dropbox as file storage.

# Purpose    Updates the factory restore image to the latest version (1.51 SP1)                #
# File name  Upgrade_RC_to_151SP1                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
# VERSION NUMBER 3 - Last Modified date 16th Feb 2016 by Hans                                  #
#                                                                                              #
# Hans       V3 - Changes to the update() function - now updates all images                    #
# Hans       V2 - Updated version using a dropbox account to source the restore image          #
# ITUS       V1 - Original version (Nov 2015) using an ITUS file server                        #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
#                                                                                              #
# When changing the script please update WHAT YOU CHANGED OR ADDED, ADD 1 TO THE VERSION       #
# NUMBER AND DATE CHANGED.                                                                     #
# This will make it easier to time to come to identify what your you have and who did what.    #

Upgrade script: Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.txt
Restore image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xes9mhm6ylkmdkz/ItusrestoreImage?dl=1
MD5SUM        : https://www.dropbox.com/s/gittxfbuscg838m/md5sum.txt?dl=1

This is the contents of the md5sum.txt file
ItusrestoreImage df253dc31c8001337a537d59dcd5996d 

To use it for the first time you need to

1) Connect to shield CLI via serial terminal access or SSH (see page 12 of the AdminGuide how to activate Dropbear SSH Daemon)
2) Go to the tmp folder: cd /tmp
3) Download the upgrade script: curl -o /tmp/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.sh http://itus.accessinnov.com/file/n10/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.txt
4) Run the upgrade script: sh /tmp/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.sh

and let it run until the end.

Make sure to copy&paste the command line instructions without changes!

cd /tmp
curl -o /tmp/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.sh http://itus.accessinnov.com/file/n10/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.txt
sh /tmp/Upgrade_RC_to_SP1.sh
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1