breda wrote
Hi, can you walk be Thu the setups I'm rookie with command prompts not sure how to use chmod
Thanks for all the help
basically, use chmod as followed:
chmod <rights> <file>
644 gives root read/write (6) and the rest read (4) access
755 gives root read/write/execute (7) and the rest read/execute (5) access
700 gives root read/write/execute (7) and no access for the rest
so in your case
chmod 755 /sbin/fw_upgrade
gives rwx access for root to file fw_upgrade in folder /sbin.
Itus has not been consistent with their scripts, some of them are executable (755) and some of them are not (644).
If a script file (like my .sh scripts) is NOT executable, then you need to start them with "sh /sbin/fw_upgrade"
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1