Sorry I was mobile earlier, I should clarify.
I am the maintainer over on OpenWrt, but I maintain the ability to build for all three slots (OpenWrt only builds for Router slot) along with some other things.
Currently, there is a nasty Kernel memleak with the Octeon Ethernet driver that appears in 5.10+. The upstream says it isn't them, but it's still there and something none of us have managed to fix.
Honestly, this place was mostly dead when I first arrived (very late, much like yourself), with people having gave up and moved on when Itus went under. It hasn't gotten more traffic over the time, unfortunately.
I am still impressed with the hardware but wish Marvell was more open in supporting the MIPS64 SoCs. I'm sure I'll get an email if you reply, and again, you can find me on the OpenWrt forum as Grommish (same in the #openwrt-devel IRC channel on OFTC)
Feel free to hit me up there if you need something, have a question, need help, etc (same goes to anyone else who might need assistance as well)
Running Itus Shield v2 Firmware