New Internet Security Router

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New Internet Security Router

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Re: New Internet Security Router

Looks a nice produce, but £9.99 month with an annual commitment after the first 1 year  puts me off,  Symantec uses to be good but the last coupe of year they have slipped up too many times, the latest is Google discovery that  they have allegedly mis-issued more than 30,000 https certificates which people have bought.

Shields still running fine with daily updates still working flawlessness.

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Re: New Internet Security Router

In reply to this post by breda
It's encouraging that a major player is developing a 'security focused' home router (effectively).  However, Symantec have really dropped the ball of late, e.g

I think it's only a matter of time before other manufacturers get on the IDS boat, particularly as IoT gains traction.  Unfortunately I think the subscription model will be the way it goes also.  Glad my Shield is still working although once I've learned more about the way it works, I'll be switching my Sophos UTM 9 PC into production.
Running v2 Firmware
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Re: New Internet Security Router

Hi, Turrican I'm  looking at the Sophos UTM 9 also can you use it in bridge modes like the shield between the modem and router? and would I need 3 ethernet ports? like the shield

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Re: New Internet Security Router

fraid not Breda, it's a router replacement, although quite a good one.  It's not very friendly in terms of configuration, they defiinitely have their own way of approaching stuff but I really like it, worth learning imo. I think 2 ethernet ports would be min, WAN and LAN (to switch).
Running v2 Firmware
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Re: New Internet Security Router

ok Thanks Turrican