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More improvements and bugfixes for the shield

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Re: More improvements and bugfixes for the shield


Thank-you so much for this.

I've been having some problems with snort restarting on my Shield when downloading files. It didn't always happen, and I couldn't figure out why it was only happening when it did.

For example, some file downloads from the kids' Xbox would fail. I discovered that snort was bouncing up and down - taking down web access for everyone in the house - as they were attempting to update a game (or whatever needed updating). I also had problems downloading some smaller files (~8MB) from legitimate sites.

In any case, after applying all of the changes you suggested (except for the last one which doesn't seem to cause trouble for me), the shield seems to be behaving a lot better!

Thanks again!
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Re: More improvements and bugfixes for the shield

I echo this, since applying the updates I never need to reboot the shield and my internet rarely goes down. It just nice and stable, big thanks to all who contribute to this forum, thanks to you all we can continue to use this little box for the foreseable future.

Running v2 Firmware
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Re: More improvements and bugfixes for the shield

In reply to this post by user8446
Hi user8446, within your snort_bridge.conf you've added port 587 (typically SMTP) under preprocessor stream5_tcp: ports both
preprocessor stream5_tcp: policy windows, detect_anomalies, require_3whs 180, \
   overlap_limit 10, small_segments 3 bytes 150, timeout 180, \
   max_queued_bytes 2450531, \
   max_queued_segs 3621, \
    ports client 21 ...
    ports both 36 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 110 311 383 443 465 563 555 587 591 ...
Is this something others are likely to need?
OpenWrt SNAPSHOT, r10391-3d8d528939