I'm back

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I'm back

Hi all, not sure who still remembers me but I was active a while back, wrote some documentation too.

Just wondering how many people are still around and whether they're still using their Shield? How's the snort update from 7 months ago, anyone getting better throughput?

Really hoped by now there would be a nice new update of the code by now that gave us the promised speeds ITUS promised us before they disappeared. Last time I remember they were acquired by another company making a similar appliance, was hoping we could 'borrow' some code :). Too bad!
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Re: I'm back

Hey of course I remember...
There hasn't been much to talk about because mine has been rock solid. No issues and updates weekly. I'm sure others haven't had any issues as well.
I'm only on a 50/3 line and can max that out. I believe others have hit over 100mbps.

I've seen some copycat type products come out but they are mostly closed source or subscription type products.
Still loving the shield!
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release