Hi, user8446 I talked one of the Directors I was told the same thing
In regard to your interest in the SDNA 7890, currently we are not shipping the 48 core Octeon III 7890 based product as an appliance. It is only available at a NIC with 10GE ports and pricing for it runs around $8500-$10k. Once it is available as an appliance, like the 7890 NIC, it will be only for evaluation purposes for those looking to eventually buy in quantity.
The appliances we have available for individual development work are based on the 4 core Octeon III 7130 processor. According to our engineers the 7130 based products offer 6x's the performance of the Itus box and offer all of the same functionality of the 7890 based product\. The two units are:
SDNA Shasta-
http://www.rhinolabsinc.com/rhino-shasta-enterprise-grade-network-appliance/SDNA 7130 -
http://www.rhinolabsinc.com/rhino-sdna7130-networking-appliance/The price on the SDNA Shasta is $900 and the SDNA7130 is $1200.
I would be happy to help you if you need any additional information.
The only one I can provide you pricing on is the Shasta product which is $900 a unit or $800 in quantities of 10. For your reference the SDNA 7130 is $1200 per unit or $1050 in quantities of 10.
Please keep in mind, we are an OEM manufacturer and we do not sell retail What we have are units built is small quantities for evaluation and development purposes. We are making these available to support the development community as a service.
As far as the 7890 based products, we are only be building these for OEM customers who we have design, development and manufacturing contracts with. What you see online is mainly for reference purposes to show our capabilities. When we build a product, it is always based on our OEM customer's unique specifications such as number of and speed of cores, amount of RAM, size of storage, number and type of ports, and the type of wireless they spec'd in. This nearly always differs from he specs you see online in one way or another.