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1) I ran through this entire guide from scratch on my own shield so I know that it works flawlessly, I just switched to bridge mode so followed the guide and performed the hotfixes and fw_upgrade script exactly as written in this guide and I literally just copied and pasted all the lines to my shield and had absolutely no issue, so the issue you are experiencing has nothing to do with the guide. Your issue is not related to my guide.
2) There is no way I'm going to read all that long output in your last thread. I'm just a linux admin who has a shield, I'm not an expert nor ever worked for Itus. I'm just another user on this forum posting what worked for me. I don't provide any warranty for anything I contribute. |
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In reply to this post by breda
Is seems to be the version I'm having trouble with thanks for the all the instructions
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In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Ok when use this part of the gulde I don't see any file to change version everything else works cd /tmp Wget http://itus.accessinnov.com/file/n814/.versionvi .version Then change the 8.2 to 8.3 :wq Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone -------- Original message -------- From: "harpss1ngh [via Itus Networks Owners Forum]" <[hidden email]> Date: 05/22/2016 4:20 PM (GMT-08:00) To: breda <[hidden email]> Subject: Re: Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade) 1) I ran through this entire guide from scratch on my own shield so I know that it works flawlessly, I just switched to bridge mode so followed the guide and performed the hotfixes and fw_upgrade script exactly as written in this guide and I literally just copied and pasted all the lines to my shield and had absolutely no issue, so the issue you are experiencing has nothing to do with the guide. Your issue is not related to my guide. 2) There is no way I'm going to read all that long output in your last thread. I'm just a linux admin who has a shield, I'm not an expert nor ever worked for Itus. I'm just another user on this forum posting what worked for me. I don't provide any warranty for anything I contribute. If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
To unsubscribe from Guide - How to fix/resurrect a bricked Shield (and update to 1.51SP1 w/hotfixes & fw_upgrade), click here.
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cd /tmp
wget http://itus.accessinnov.com/file/n814/.version vi .version Then change the 8.2 to 8.3 :wq In linux, commands are case-sensitive and they are always lower case... |
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Thanks harpss1ngh I made it to this screen I'm making progress
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I have updated the guide. User @Gnomad made changes to fw_upgrade 8.3, it is now 8.3.1 and doesn't require the .version file. See my guide for the new files. |
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In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Hi, harpss1ngh Thanks for all the help it worked
![]() # daily at 01:00 - upgrade IPS rules 0 1 * * * sh /sbin/fw_upgrade # daily at 00:00 - sync clock 0 0 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpclient -s -p 123 -h 0.us.pool.ntp.org || /etc/init.d/ntpclient restart |
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Hi Breda,
That's your call when you want the IPS and clock to update. Right now you have the clock to sync daily at midnight and your rules to update at 1am.
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Thanks user8446 and the rest of the Scheduled Tasks are Correct?
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# daily at 01:00 - upgrade IPS rules
0 1 * * * sh /sbin/fw_upgrade # daily at 00:00 - sync clock 0 0 * * * /usr/sbin/ntpclient -s -p 123 -h 0.us.pool.ntp.org || /etc/init.d/ntpclient restart There is no right or wrong......If you want fw_upgrade to run at 1am once a day and the clock to sync every midnight then leave it alone |
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Thanks harpss1ngh for the help I wanted to make sure I did not make any errors with my commands but sound like I didn't it right and thanks again for the hot to Guide
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In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Hi harpss1ngh :)
I wish I found this walk through before having a load of tabs from different posts to complete the update/upgrade process. I have used the walk through now as I bricked the Shield playing with it. So much easier ;) Thank you for taking the time to put this together :) rah |
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In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Has anyone not been able to boot to stage 2?
Mine hangs at: ## Starting application at 0x00400000 ... I've tried uploading multiple times - once it went past and booted but that's it - now it just sits and hangs with nothing going on :( quite frustrating. Anyone created an SD Card image that I could try booting from? I wonder if my device is completely hosed from the last patch they pushed out before turning out the lights :( any ideas on how to figure out why it's hanging instead of starting uboot? |
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Hi Seanmcne
If you a sd card slot on your shield my two has but i'm under the impression that some do not, Try putting a sd card into the slot ( must be able to read the card) and reboot. On mine it boots into either rc1 release or rc mode, this is just early version of the shield that is hard coded into the shield, with the shield booted now you can copy the sp1 release to the shield. I have not done this to mine but it should work, but remember to completely remove the sd card on reboot roadrunnere42 |
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Mine has an SD Card slot on it, when you say to try and put an SD card into it - are you pre-loading it with anything bootable or are you saying there's some kind of internal fallback?
I'm really perplexed as to why mine just won't boot or respond to me trying to put the uboot image on to it - it's just not playing ball :( I know they were trying to get one last update out, but the fact it nuked my device and I've not been able to get it back online for more than 6 months makes me feel as if I was robbed :| - very disappointing I guess I could try and sell it but seriously, what do I say - "Runs great, won't boot" ? |
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Hi Seanmcne
Just be accident i found that if i had a sd card which i think was formatted to fat32 and the Shield was rebooted it would boot into a previous firmware version rc or rc1, the sd card did NOT have any boot loader just some old software not related to the shield. The only prevision is that the shield must be able to see that the card has a partition. I have just noticed that you are tell the shield to load at location 0x00400000 when i think it should be 0x400000 Do you live in the uk? I could have a look via teamviewer Roadrunnere42 |
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In reply to this post by harpss1ngh
Hi All :)
I have been playing with Shield and have messed it up. I have followed this tutorial but I am missing something / not understanding. On starting the Shield I get this screen in Tera Term: ![]() I now enter: fatls mmc 1 and receive this screen: ![]() As I see u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin file in the MMC, then simply run these commands to get to Stage 3: setenv octeon_stage3_bootloader u-boot-octeon_rhino_itus7x.bin bootstage3 ![]() Having the prompt "Octeon cust_private_rhino_itus7x(ram)#" leads me to believe I am now at bootstage 3. Now I wire up the Shield in router mode. Set up TFTPd32 and follow the other instructions and then ping the TFTP server on my laptop: ![]() Now this is where I think the problem is. The instructions say "Now type, tftp ItusrouterImage" which I do in to Tera Term. But my understanding is that this will try and get the file ItusrouterImage from my TFTPd32 server running on my laptop. But I have no ItusrouterImage file in the TFTPd32 root folder or anywhere else to upload to the shield. What have I missed/ not understood? Hope it makes sense ;) Thanks rah |
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Hi Rah
I have a copy of the file, thought Hans had put a copy on the forum, have a good look around , If you can't find it then pm me with your email address and i will send it in an email. Roadrunnere42 |
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Hey Everyone,
I've tried every combination of the steps in this thread and cannot get my shield to take the image at all - I have no clue what the issue is and I'm not going to have the depth to probably figure it out (the alternative is time and I've run short on that lately too). I'm not sure what to do at this point, as far as I can tell my shield has no defect and it has an SD card reader if the storage was bad for some reason. Sadly, it's become a paperweight :( Any tips? If it could be resurrected I'd be happy to sell it at a fair price but since I can't get the damn thing to boot that's obviously a deal breaker. Anyone have any thoughts on how to completely flatten it from scratch and try to get it back up and running cause I'm stumped :| Thanks! |
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Hi seanmcne
Do you live in the uk? if you do, you could post the Shield to me and I will try to fix ( have to trust me to post back but you can see that I have been on the forum since day one and have done most of the fw_upgrade work) or I you could install team viewer on your computer and I could log in and try to sort out, but this can take some time and will involve installing several different programs which some people don't want to be done also letting a complete stranger into their computer system. posting is the best option if you want to talk about it privately just PM me and I will give you my phone number. Roadrunnere42 |
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