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Bridge Mode Not Working

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

This post was updated on May 09, 2016; 8:53pm.
Hi, also see some changes at https://github.com/ItusShield/Shield-Master  one of the changes is  sbin can you tell what updates I should do?

Here is my system log with the errors  

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

That file in github you are referring to is the updated fw_upgrade script.

touch /.shield_mode   will clear that error in your logs.

What was the issue with your modem?
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

Hi, user8446 the modem had bad Wan port it would not let the router pull DHCP from the ISP so I swapped it out for new modem and it works great
  Can you walk me thru the touch /.shield_mode   will clear that error in your logs. Is that SSH commend ?

And on the fw_upgrade script do you have link the newest?

Thanks again

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

Yes, type that via CLI.

Here is the link to the latest fw_upgrade script itself:


...and the instructions for upgrading to that version:

Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

thanks for all the help user8446 wanted to ask you do I have to do v8.1 first? I thought    8.1  first and then 8.2

just to confirm  all the files

are these  all the files I will place in the folder tmp

This will copy the files to the correct places.


also Gnomad   said

Thanks for your work Roadrunnere42.  I encountered the duplicate rule problem, so grabbed all your latest from git.  

I'd like to turn on the new "Spyware" and "Redirector" filters you've enabled, but dnsmasq fails on those because the relevant files don't exist in /etc/itus/lists.  What updates those lists?  (fw_upgrade says the shallalist tar downloaded fine..)

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

This post was updated on May 12, 2016; 6:40pm.
In reply to this post by user8446
Hi, user8446 I dis the touch /.shield_mode  here is my ssh

root@Shield:~# touch /.shield_mode
root@Shield:~# cd/
-ash: cd/: not found
root@Shield:~# touch /.shield_mode

I  lost  internet traffic and  the  Memory  total available and free are at 89%

Here is the system part of the system log

Thu May 12 11:39:52 2016 daemon.notice snort[12833]: Initializing rule chains...
Thu May 12 11:39:52 2016 daemon.notice snort[12833]: WARNING: /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules(1) threshold (in rule) is deprecated; use detection_filter instead.

Thu May 12 11:39:55 2016 daemon.notice snort[12833]: WARNING: /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules(4660) GID 1 SID 2405000 in rule duplicates previous rule. Ignoring old rule.

Thu May 12 11:39:55 2016 daemon.err snort[12833]: FATAL ERROR: /etc/snort/rules/snort.rules(4660) threshold (in rule): could not create threshold - only one per sig_id=2405000.
Thu May 12 11:39:55 2016 daemon.info procd: Instance snort::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 4 seconds since last crash
Thu May 12 11:51:20 2016 daemon.err uhttpd[4853]: cat: can't open '/mnt/ramdisk/illegal': No such file or directory
Thu May 12 11:51:20 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13878]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:20 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13878]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:25 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13881]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:25 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13881]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:30 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13882]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:30 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13882]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:35 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13883]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:35 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13883]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:40 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13887]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:40 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13887]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:45 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13888]: illegal repeated keyword at line 13 of /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf
Thu May 12 11:51:45 2016 daemon.crit dnsmasq[13888]: FAILED to start up
Thu May 12 11:51:45 2016 daemon.info procd: Instance dnsmasq::instance1 s in a crash loop 6 crashes, 0 seconds since last crash

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

In reply to this post by user8446
Hi, user8446 I'm going to install v 8.3 but before I do that wanted to ask if I need to do any more commands  I  lost  internet traffic and  the  Memory  total available and free are at 89%  I bleve it might be because I only have   hotfix 160210 and 160309 installed I don't have any Fw_upgrade  installed yet

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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

The high memory free is because snort isn't loaded. The latest fw_upgrade script fixes the dnsmasq error and the duplicate rule error... just follow roadrunnere42's instructions for the latest version and you should be all set.
Running the latest OpenWrt stable release
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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

Hi, user8446 I can't seem to install V8.3 here is link to the errors  http://itus.accessinnov.com/Fw-upgrade-version-8-3-release-td896.html
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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

In reply to this post by breda
breda wrote
Hi, I did the update again in router mode but sill no internet  I also found this on ITUS youtube page  not sure if this makes any difference  I confused about the Instructions 2. Connect eth0 Shield to local network  3. Connect eth2 Shield to computer used for upgrade but how would I get WAN Traffic?


Upgrade Instructions...
1. Put Shield in Router Mode
2. Connect eth0 Shield to local network
3. Connect eth2 Shield to computer used for upgrade
4. Make sure computer behind Shield can access internet
5. Establish SSH Connection to Shield
6. Copy above upgrade script from browser, paste into SSH terminal
7. Wait for firmware download to complete.
8. Reboot Shield
9. Wait 5-10 Minutes
10. Enjoy!
Hi Breda

in router mode, shield will (should) assign IP to a laptop connected.
So step 2 should look like:

a) WAN - modem - ASUS router WAN port
b) ASUS router LAN ports - ETH0/WAN Shield (this should give shield access to internet)
c) ETH2/LAN shield - laptop (this should give your laptop access to shield http://shield.lan or

make sure that your laptop wifi (to ASUS rotuer) is disabled, to force it to connect via Shield.

In this setup your internet for the other computers should still work, just for the laptop connected to shield it may (not) work.

The wired setup above is how I test shield so that only the wired laptop is impacted by it's functions.
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Bridge Mode Not Working

Hi Hans  thanks for the help found  the problem with the cable modem WAN  port ISP gave me a new modem now I can get connectivity via  Shield but I do have a new problem can't seem to install version 8.3 roadrunnere42 said something about version file but I do not see a version files download


Thanks again for the help