Console cable 411

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Console cable 411

I know I initially struggled getting the right tools amd initially getting connected, so I thought I would share. Here is the equipment I have and the basic steps of getting connected.

1. Cable matters USB to serial:

2. Cisco compatible console cable:

3. Download the serial USB adapter drivers from:

4. Download Putty from:

5. Once your drivers are installed for the USB console cable, note the Com port (listed in windows device manager). Mine was com8, from Putty select serial and enter COM8, IMPORTANT: enter 115200 as the speed/baud rate.  Now press connect.

6. Press enter to see output or power cycle the device to view the boot sequence.
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Re: Console cable 411

This post was updated on .
Thanks Sean,

I've bought this Cisco Console cable to USB :

To use the console cable:

1) find on which COM port the console cable is installed.
2) in Putty select the serial mode, enter the COMx port and use baudrate 115200
3) hit load and start Shield. You should now be able to see what is happening during boot.
No more: Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1
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Re: Console cable 411

And for those of us who purchase lots of stuff off eBay and picked up a console cable there...

Note that FTDI recently included a bullet in a firmware update that was distributed via the Windows Update channel. That bullet seeks and kills unlicensed FTDI UART chips that are oftentimes included in the cheap knock-off devices like USB Console cables.

If yours is working now, be very cautious about accepting that Windows Update to your FTDI device. If it is a fake chip, once the bullet hits it, it will never work again.
Shield Pro v1, Chaos Calmer, FW 1.51 SP1, v8.3.2, Bridge Mode